Client Conduct Policy
We have implemented the following Client Conduct Policy at Willow Creek Veterinary Center in order to create a welcoming and respectful environment for all clients, staff, and pets.
Willow Creek Veterinary Center seeks to provide a welcoming and safe environment for our staff, clients, and patients. As such, we have created a Zero-Tolerance Policy for abusive behavior by our clients.
The behaviors that will not be tolerated:
- Offensive or foul language
- Hostile verbal attacks
- Angry outbursts
- Direct or implied threats to our personal safety
- Threats to damage our reputation
- Actual damage to our reputation by low ratings and harsh reviews
- Aggressive or menacing behavior toward people or pets
- Destruction of our property
- Harassment of any kind, including repeated calls or messages
- Failure to comply with requests by staff, including leashing/restraining your pets, wearing a face mask, etc.
- Any other objectionable behavior that disrupts our business and disturbs our veterinarians, staff members, clients, and/or their pets
Clients who engage in any of these behaviors while on clinic property will be asked to leave immediately.
All Willow Creek Veterinary Center veterinarians and staff members are authorized to contact law enforcement if necessary to remove a disruptive client from our premises. We reserve the right to terminate the clinic’s relationship with any client who in our judgment violates this policy. Copies of the pets’ medical records will be sent immediately to the client’s address on file and no further services will be offered to the client or members of his/her household.
We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to treating and caring for your furry family members!